Elizabeth Perrachione
What does Blue Fish mean to me?
Blue Fish took me through a high risk pregnancy, offering me a wearable hug every day. I can wear the clothes when hanging out at home, shopping the grocery store, out with friends for lunch and during meetings with school board members and people throughout the community. In essence these clothes are like me – versatile and fun, timeless and stylish, funky yet very accessible.
So Blue Fish is about being me – whoever that is at any given time. It is about being a mom, with a whole lot more pounds than I’d like to have on my body right now, in clothes that are fun, and stylish, and colorful – and that make me feel good about myself no matter what! Blue Fish clothes are also down to earth, easy to wash and wear. They allow me to express myself as the artist I am even though I’m not getting into my studio very much right now. And they are letting me do this all in the Midwest.
Can clothes be a miracle? If so, these clothes are! They are like cloth milagros – wishes and blessings that you can wear on your body. Thank you!!!