About Us

At Blue Fish, we use organic fibers, recycled cottons, and other natural fibers such as hemp, linen, and silk blends. A lot of our buttons are hand made, vintage, or recycled. It’s a step toward a people and planet friendly style of clothing.

In 1995 we first learned of the damaging effect of traditionally grown cotton on a global scale, and we changed our production habits immediately. We began to use organically grown cotton materials whenever possible. We are happy to do our part to help support a healthier people and planet.

Currently, traditional cotton agriculture uses twenty-five percent of insecticides and ten percent of the world’s pesticides, but represents only three percent of the world’s crops. Organic cotton has never known chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other dangerous chemical agents. Additionally, no chemicals are applied in the harvesting, cleaning, spinning, or knitting of organic cotton. This also means that the chemicals used in conventional cotton aren’t being released into the air and surface water during farming or processing. Beneficial insects keep other bugs under control, crop rotation maintains fertility, and weeds are battled with precision tilling. When the first frost of winter comes, the cotton readies itself for picking according to a seasonal rhythm. Organic cotton is grown from the heart as well as the soil by farmers who care about the earth and all of us.

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